Real Estate Marketing...

For An Important Cause

We specialize in generating high-profit leads for real estate investors, Realtors, and property managers through online and offline marketing strategies.

50% of all profits are donated to help kids learn self-reliance and personal responsibility through the experience of growing and selling nutritious sprouts.

Our Services

High-Converting Websites & Funnels

Most websites aren't designed to convert traffic into profitable leads. Setting up, testing, and optimizing a marketing funnel (which includes high-converting landing pages) is foundational for any marketing strategy. Consider it basic "blocking and tackling" for your business. Don't spend another dime on marketing until you have this fundamental element in place, or you will waste a lot of marketing dollars sharing your story with potential clients who never contact you.

Reputation Management

Booking vacations, choosing your next meal, hiring repair contractors... most of us rely heavily on the testimony of others before we spend money on products or services today. If you aren't actively managing and collecting permanent online reviews for your business, you are effectively choosing to let the public dictate how you are perceived by potential customers. Your business will THRIVE or DIE based on the experience others are sharing about you online. Let us help you implement a bulletproof reputation management strategy.

Social Media & Content Marketing

RELEVANCE and CONSISTENCY; that's the aim of an effective social media/content strategy that brings you highly profitable clients. We help you deliver consistent content, on all your social platforms, vlogs, and blogs. You focus on serving your clients and growing your business.

Paid Advertising

Ironically, paying for traffic and leads is how businesses begin their expensive marketing education. It's only after wasting tens of thousands of dollars on bad marketing that most companies realize they need to take a more effective approach. We only recommend paying to promote your business AFTER you lay the proper foundation to convert expensive traffic into profitable clients. Once you have the fundamentals squared away, we help you deploy a high-ROI ad campaign through the appropriate online and off-line channels.

Social Media Management

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John Chin

A retired real estate investor and property manager, John was frustrated with "marketers" who didn't treat his marketing dollars like their own. As a six sigma project manager, his marketing efforts eventually evolved into sensible, ROI-driven strategies he now shares with others, for a cause... to empowering kids through the non-profit organization, ROI GROW, Inc., which teaches children lessons in agriculture and business. 50% of all profits from marketing services are donated to this cause.